Perhaps our greatest accomplishment has been successfully establishing an alternative school in an area that is touted for its public education; a school fueled entirely by good ideas, word of mouth, and the support of our parents. We take some pride in the following accomplishments:
- the only Long Island school with 8 Lego Robotics Science teams
- the only Long Island school to provide computers and teach Technology Coding (python, scratch databases, html) during regular school hours for grades 3-8
- partner with Hofstra University’s Graduate Information Technology Department
- funded by Hofstra University to create BIG IDEAS — a seasonal set of challenging online courses for advanced learning
- multiple Honors by Newsday for social service activities
- honored by Nassau County Legislature for 25 years of community service
- Twice winner of New York Stock Market game
- Produced more than twenty high school and college valedictorians in recent years
- multiple winner Bellmore-Merrick scrabble competition
- Loved by our former students and credited for their successes
- Recommended by principals, teachers, educators throughout Long Island
- Produced dozens of winners in major writing, art, science, and music competitions
- Seven students appearing or starring in Broadway shows and feature films
- Nurtured students who love their teachers
- Nearly every graduate has achieved in the upper 90’s in high school Spanish
- Winning Long Island MathCounts team, with twice having students placing #1 in the state of New York
- students accepted at high school of choice with most in accelerated courses, many two years ahead in math or spanish
But for us, our most revered achievements over the past thirty-three years reside in the hearts and minds of former students and their parents. Only speaking to them, or reading our alumni blog, can really give you an accurate picture of what we as an institution have achieved. As a start, refer to the testimonials to get a glimpse of what people have said about us.