Week 3

Upcoming:  Teams and Canvas logins expected to be completed this week for all students.  This will allow all students to attend classes from home due to illness, stream into other grades at school, receive support services, or attend remotely in case of a shutdown.  This coming week we expect to complete an upgrade of our bandwidth and acquire new microphones that have been on back order. Week at a glance:  STUVOL food collection for Island Harvest continues this week.  Please participate! Best Links:  We have several slide show displays of Art Projects here. Messages:   Everyone will be contacted regarding Back-To-School information and communication by Tuesday, September 29. Please communicate with the school if your child is out sick, and explain the nature of their illness. Review:  A peek into Quiet Time:  I am currently streaming Quiet Time from my office, while Mr. Amal does it outside with the Middle School.  For 30 minutes the students see and hear me on their classroom smartboard.  For 30 minutes we do warm ups, yoga postures, massage, songs, silent meditation, and philosophy.  Today for example, the song we sang was very rhythmic, a calypso beat with the lyrics “Be kind and have a peaceful mind, be kind and have a peaceful mind, if you can do it you will find, Happiness won’t leave you behind.”  During the philosophy piece, I gave them 3 suggestions about how to develop a peaceful mind along with the benefits of that.  The suggestions were: Don’t worry so much!  The force that guides the stars and planets is guiding you too! See the good in everything and everyone Practice thinking of things you are grateful for each day so you can find contentment

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6/7/8th grade – Spin Your Name

6/7/8th grade – Spin Your Name Students made circles with compasses, folding them into 8 equal sections.  Each sliver or section was filled with the student’s first name and a design, rubbed off to the next section over and over again 8 times, to create a radial symmetrical design. Coloring in the sections creatively took a lot of time and energy and revealed the most fantastic patterns built entirely from their first name! Using a toothpick or compass point, the circle spins into an awesome abstract pattern! 

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