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Read MoreUpcoming: Please let us know about your first day pick up plans. On the first day of school, students will be given their ID’s for Canvas and Microsoft. They are the same as last year for returning students. Watch for these over the weekend. New families will need to activate the Microsoft account using a cell phone. Here are video instructions for Microsoft activation: Video Guide to Activating Microsoft Account Week at a glance: Monday: closed for Labor Day Tuesday: closed for Rosh Hashanah Wednesday: closed for Rosh Hashanah Thursday: closed for Staff Development Day Friday: first day of School Best Links: Calendar – Progressive School (progressiveli.org) Messages: Our Theme for 21/22: Reconnecting: After a long “winter” of separation and isolation, we will be seeking ways to reconnect as a staff, with our families, and with and between our students. Review: This strange week of holidays left us with just one day of school! We know the busses are unreliable at the beginning, just give them another week to learn their runs and things should settle down.
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