Week 27

Pics of the Week Upcoming:  We are entering a critical time of learning–eight weeks of school with only one short holiday interruption.  After the first four of those eight weeks we will distribute progress previews and hold parent/teacher conferences.  Please avoid absences, latenesses, and early pick-ups AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE!!  We can’t work miracles if your child isn’t present for the magic to happen. Week at a glance:  Monday:   Quiet time for all grades Tuesday:  Quiet time for all grades; Board Games Club Wednesday: SUPER SPAGHETTI HOT LUNCH; Tolkien Club Thursday:  Quiet time for all grades; Rock Band Friday: Quiet time for all grades; Breakfast Band Best Links: Musical Notes from Mr. Bruce Messages:  ABSENCES:  Please let us know immediately why your child is absent, especially if it involves any suspected contagious illness such as FLU, STREP THROAT, COVID, etc. Review:  We welcomed Mateo to Kindergarten this week!

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